Renfe, Iryo and Ouigo intensify their battle for high speed with

During 2023, the train sector will be increasingly. Accessible to users thanks to the arrival of new operators on the market . These new competitors will begin to operate more routes, in addition to Madrid-Barcelona. And Madrid-Valencia, the only ones on which the 3 operators currently travel the tracks, Andrea Saviane, Country Manager of Trainline in Spain, told Business Insider at the beginning of the year . Spain. Iryo , Ouigo and AVLO will offer their services this year on other routes such as Madrid-Málaga, Madrid-Seville and Madrid-Alicante, and the trade war over these routes has already begun. This new competition leads Renfe. To face 2023 with the aim of consolidating itself “as the preferred and most sustainable option for traveling,” company sources told Business Insider Spain in January.

The appearance of these new operators will cause

What has been seen in recent weeks is that Renfe’s objective is not going to be so simple, since the campaigns and promotions. To attract high-speed travelers are increasingly competitive. Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia lead the intensify their battle ranking of the most competitive urban destinations  an increase in the combined supply by approximately 17,400 places per Hong Kong Mobile Number Database day , reports El Economista . In total, there will be more than 30 circulations that will go daily to Alicante, Seville and Malaga. The next rival that Renfe will encounter in Andalusia will be Iryo , which will start with 8 frequencies. On the Madrid-Málaga and Madrid-Seville routes, although the frequency will increase. At the end of June until reaching an average sale of 10,142 seats per day, according to the same. half. Renfe will use its low-cost brand Avlo to defend this territory.

Phone Number List

The French low cost will focus its efforts in 2023

Starting in June, Avlo will have 2 daily circulations to or from Seville and Malaga (about 800 seats). At the moment, Ouigo has not marked its arrival in Andalusia on the calendar , since its 2-story Alstoms do not use the LZB security system that is only operated in the southern Spanish corridor (already obsolete).  on its expansion in the intensify their battle Levante corridor, where it will arrive in Alicante on April 27, although Renfe has. Jovertaken them and has already Guatemala phone number list landed its first Avlo in the city. The great beneficiary of this trade war will be the passenger, who will continue to notice how.  Prices become increasingly competitive: Ouigo prices start at 9 euros and Avlo at 7 euros. The latest data recently released by the National Market and Competition Commission (CNMC), reported by El Economista.

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